JSO Passions

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Leaving a lasting legacy of

I am well aware that I am mortal. There will be a day that is my last day. That day could be today or many decades away. I am ready to meet my Maker at any moment by rapture or auto accident. Yet I recognize that my father and grandfathers made it into their 80s. Therefore it would be wise for me to anticipate living that long.

In one million years from now I want my life to have counted for eternity. I do not want to have wasted my time, talent and treasures on things that were temporal.

During this season most of my life is focused on serving seminarians. I am doing my best to create a communication system that will allow them to grow a support base of intercessors, advisors and donors. This is my way to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by working with the Holy Spirit to raise up the next generation of leaders in the Body of Christ. After Four Brides is working well at this seminary then the communication systems will be adapted to other settings like other seminaries, Bible colleges, mission agencies, denominations, parachurch organization and local churches. Thus many more leaders will be my gift to the Body of Christ and the Lord Jesus Christ.

God has granted me many unique teachings. Most of these are born out of my painful experiences or insights due to my complex background. I am accountable before the living God to provide these primarily to the household of faith and unbelievers too. I already have many dozen essays on the web sites and blogs. There are more in my files and mind that long to be shared. These teachings will be offered amidst the teachings of the seminary students and graduates. I wish to be one voice among others. I seek to make all these teachings available at no cost or low cost. When this is a part of an online lay institute with various incomes streams then that is possible.

Here are samples of those teachings

From the early 1980s to the present God has used libraries as the vehicle to teach, equip and nurture me. These are my alma mater far more than the institutions I attended briefly. I have spent the majority of my waking hours in a public or collegiate library when not at a job. In those locations I found a quiet place to study, access to materials there and to take home. Along my pilgrim’s path I have encountered very few church libraries. Yet I found those to be a wonderful way to access books, tapes, videos and magazines that I would not otherwise be able to afford.

I am in no hurry to develop this library facet of my calling. Toward the latter years of my life I will have a) plenty of enriching experiences, b) a wide range of contacts, c) an abundance of intercessor support, d) understanding of Christian education from many angles and e) plenty of generous donors ready to give. Then designing and developing libraries will be a delightful way to conclude my ministry.

My ministry is never about me as a personality. It is always about developing systems for bringing together people, resources and opportunities. The libraries will use the latest technology to make those connections in the name of Jesus for the glory of God. Amen, so be it!


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