JSO Passions

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


By facilitating better and more connections in the greater Body of Christ both locally and globally, then the Holy Sprit will do through us together what humans could never do alone.

Four Bridges Ministry gets is name from the four one-way bridges that connect the Partners, Workers and Fields. This model is useful with any size group, anywhere on the planet. The diagram on the home page www.fourbridges.org is a representation of the way the relationships occur anyway. The value of this diagram is to use it to better pray, plan, prepare, solve problems etc.

I have always been amazed at how little cooperation there is in the Body of Christ locally and globally. As I read the Bible what I see is a divinely inspired standard: one God, single Great Commission, dozens of commandments given by the Lord Jesus Christ that would bring us together, a shared Holy Spirit and the common enemies of the world-flesh-devil.

Part of my mind can understand the slight differences between denominational traditions, musical styles, and psychological factors.

During my lifetime I have watched the liberals and those in the business world who had been competitors find ways to cooperate for temporal purposes. If we would just embrace obedience to the scriptures and live in the light of eternity then there will be much more cooperation in the Body of Christ.

I fully expect that the younger people and future generations will find cooperation to be easier and natural. I believe that the concept of the four bridges and other universal diagrams that I will share over the web will give those who have ears to hear a basis for genuine cooperation.

The cooperation that I seek is not about me as a person or about the ministry that I lead. It is about God using the communication systems to form connections so that His people will do His will His way and in His timing. This can be done anywhere and any time with or without me.

You never care about the personality of the person that built the bridge over the river, canyon or highway that you use. The only question relates to practical functionality. Has it worked and will it work, yes or no?

In terms of cooperation I seek to facilitate by means of providing effective communication systems. My name, face and personality can be invisible to those who use the four bridges.

The Bible says that as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we have been adopted into the family of God. The Bible says that due to the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross that was evidenced in his bodily resurrection we have been forever reconciled to God. The dividing wall of separation is removed. The universal Body of Christ is not limited by denomination, race, gender, geography, age, nationality or any other factor. There have been many reports of those who visit believers in other countries and immediately feel a deep spiritual connection. That is real. The same has happened when people from around the same country gather at a large conference. This can be experienced at a concert or other Christian gathering.

The Bible teaches that we are members of one another like parts of the human body. We have need of each other just like you need your hands, feet, ears, eyes, etc.

There is a serious longing for community among believers. This has always been present in my thirty years among Christians. But is seems to be increasing with each passing year. Studies show that Americans move an average of every five years. Divorce and remarriage are normal. So is it any wonder that people long to connect with a community?

I want community myself and I want to pass it along to others. Community is needed to give and receive agape love in words and deeds over the course of many years. Therefore healthy connections will be needed to create and nurture genuine community. These connections will occur in cyberspace as well as physical space.

As I read the Bible and examine the life of Christ the term compassion comes to mind repeatedly. God cares about a person’s intentions as well as actions. I have a conviction that there is a vast reservoir of compassion waiting inside the hearts of Christians that longs to be expressed. I refuse to use guilt, greed, fear, pride, competition, insecurity, self righteousness, shame, anxiety or other factors to motivate people to participate with me in Four Bridges.

I know that just as millions reached out after the tsunami of December 2004 that same compassion resides in the heart of people all the time. It genuinely wants to be expressed locally and globally without needing a massive crisis to get it going.

The truth and love of God will flow over the four bridges. There are spiritual gifts, natural talents and the languages of love that will take on a wide range of forms. This will happen easily and rapidly in amazing ways because compassion of many ordinary people will be allowed to flow.


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