JSO Passions

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Designing ways to solve complex and interrelated problems using

Our lives are full of difficult problems that have various causes. There are an abundance of products and services that offer relief to the symptoms. But these rarely lead to lasting solutions. The love and truth of God is what people need but often do not know it. Or they associate Christianity with a dead religion of rules and rituals instead of a living relationship with God and believers.

Over the years God has allowed me to know a wide range of people. I especially have a tender place in my heart for international students. At the seminary I have also known engaged couples, newlyweds and first time parents. During these last five years I have known many people in each category. I have come to notice similarities in the challenges they face. Deep inside of my soul is a combination of a engineer, designer and information architect. I cannot personally solve all their problems or meet all their needs. But I can plan ways for information and education to help them in helping themselves.

Over and over again what I do is design systems that will deliver information and education. It is my hope and my deep conviction that eventually all these plans in my files will become woven together on a huge and growing web site. From that base the systems will serve and empower people that I will never meet in person.

It delights my heart to hear of short-term mission trips when people from the USA go overseas and work in harmony with the local churches. They know that in the remote villages the native people will come out to hear what the Americans have to say just out of curiosity. The gospel message goes forth through a translator. But after the Americans have gone back home the local church leaders have ways to follow up on these contacts. This has been done hundreds of times to plant new churches. Thus there was synergy due to cooperation and coordination.

As I observe the vast wonders of nature I am continually amazed at all that occurs every day all over the globe in nature. One of my favorite pastimes is to watch nature videos. In those I notice repeatedly how the Creator uses seasons to meet the needs of various plants and animals as they live together in an ecosystem like a meadow, lake, forest, desert, etc. Often God uses seasons to maximize impacts. Like when the salmon that are fat with fish eggs are jumping up the waterfalls that is when the bears need to gain weight before they hibernate. Various migrating waterfowl need to feed their young just as the fish population near their nesting island are at peak season. Churches use seasons in some ways like VBS during the summer, food baskets during the holidays, summer youth camps, etc. This matter of wise timing needs to be planned, prepared for and leveraged. That relates to stewardship, systems and synergies.


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