JSO Passions

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Weaving together simple ways for the laity to become involved in the practical ministries of

The Bible is written in plain language to common people for their practical daily applications. The first disciples were fishermen. The early church members were from all walks of life. They radically changed the pagan society around them by just being doers of the word. They put feet to their faith. They loved one another in words and in deeds. Others choose to join the loving community even amidst heavy persecution. They lived in the light of eternity and had hope of a resurrection body in heaven.

Evangelism is not the special domain for the pastor or professional evangelist. All believers are ambassadors for Christ with the message of reconciliation. As I have understood church history and the local churches all over the planet through the testimonies of international students from all over the globe. It is possible and desirable for the ordinary church members to be able to share the gospel message with both those they encounter in their daily life. Plus make special efforts to go out of their way to take the light of Christ to those in the bondage of spiritual darkness in their community. Plus go on short term mission trips.

Here are some of my writings on evangelism




Genuine biblical discipleship is a complex and difficult process. God is at work deep in the human soul to make the person more like Christ. That is not natural or easy. In order for this to occur successfully over the course of a lifetime then many and various people need to interface with the one becoming a maturing disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. The best settings are one-on-one and the second best are small groups. Parents and grandparents have the most and best access to a child. Teachers and coaches can have a huge impact. God has used pastors and Sunday school teachers mightily. Discipleship costs TIME plus a willingness to both give and receive. In our hurry-up generation there are not nearly enough hours for the pastor to personally disciple more than a double handful if he makes that a high priority. The youth (and children’s) pastors can work as a team with parents to come along side to help bear the burden during these formative years. The book of Titus tells how older women need to disciple the younger ones. The men in the church need to be involved in giving and receiving mentoring.

Here are some of my writings on discipleship




Any person on any day can give of their time, money and things to help another person in the name of Jesus. Special training is not required. There is no need for great understanding of Bible doctrine and theology. The golden rule given by Jesus says to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” He also told the story about the Good Samaritan as an illustration of what it means to love your neighbor. I suggest that within five miles of any believer are plenty of people that are highly qualified to receive benevolence. I believe that it is the duty of a genuine disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ to directly assist those in need that He brings into this or her life. There is no shortage of widows, orphans, handicapped, elderly and prisoners. Plus those who are sick and injured that we are to visit. This can also be done in church groups to reach the homeless, prisoners, rest home residents, etc. The big idea is to communicate the love of God by giving generously of one’s time, things and money.


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