JSO Passions

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Obeying the great commission through three avenues separately and especially in combination.

At the end of the day I see myself primarily as an educator. In order to obey the Great Commission, then my role is to work with God in facilitating the processes so that a person becomes a maturing and reproducing disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. Along the way they need to receive large quantities of Christian Education materials. If a person came to faith in Christ as a child and grew to become an effective leader in the local church throughout a lifetime of 80 years then they would have heard thousands of messages and read thousands of pages. The deeper and wider that input (within biblical orthodoxy) then the greater the quality of how they communicate the truth in love to individuals and groups. I do not need to personally teach what I know to each person I serve. For that is limited to just me, my time, my talents, my strength, my wisdom and my contact with them. Plus it would be limited by their willingness to hear what I say or do what I recommend. But if I can be used by God to bring a large and “delicious menu” of options to them that are easily accessible and affordable (preferably free over the Internet) then I will have served God strategically as an educator. I am especially delighted when I am used by God to teach teachers, equip missionaries and inspire preachers.

Biblical Christianity is MUCH more than just knowing all the facts from the Bible, attending church services and having social relationships with fellow believers. Basic Bible study methods say we are to observe the text, interpret it then make application. There are many verses that point to the lordship of Jesus Christ. Our Lord gave the Great Commission and other verses related to missions. We are commanded by God Almighty to make disciples of all nations. We are to take His message of reconciliation to as many people as possible in the most suitable means possible. We are not to just seek converts but to make disciples. Along the way of putting feet to our faith we must get outside of our comfort zones. We must engage the culture. We must learn to trust in the Lord in new ways. And for me missions are both local and global. The Acts 1:8 mandate clearly says we need to begin at home and also take the light of Christ to the ends of the earth.

The reality is that we are in a media-saturated society. Our message of God’s truth and love needs to get to believers and unbelievers. Our continual enemies are the world, the flesh and the devil. Even those who attend church every time the doors are opened are sent thousands of other media signals during the week. There are not enough Christians that are trained and available to complete the massive God given task by just depending on personal relationships and church meetings. Better and more media are essential to fulfill the great commission. I thank God for Christian radio, TV, films, books, videos, etc. the Christian pollster, George Barna, has recently launched Barna films http://www.barnafilms.com/ Note why he did that http://tinyurl.com/46ucb .


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