JSO Passions

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Obey the Great Commission by means of using education, missions and media.

Involve laity in evangelism, discipleship and benevolence.

Solve problems by means of using systems, synergies and seasons.

Facilitate connections in the Body of Christ for better cooperation, community and compassion.

Provide my unique teachings especially in the areas of apologetics, Bible basics and leadership development.

Teach, motivate and guide Christians to consistently improve the stewardship of their time, talent and treasures (things and money).

Leave a lasting legacy of leaders, lessons and libraries.


Obeying the great commission through three avenues separately and especially in combination.

At the end of the day I see myself primarily as an educator. In order to obey the Great Commission, then my role is to work with God in facilitating the processes so that a person becomes a maturing and reproducing disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. Along the way they need to receive large quantities of Christian Education materials. If a person came to faith in Christ as a child and grew to become an effective leader in the local church throughout a lifetime of 80 years then they would have heard thousands of messages and read thousands of pages. The deeper and wider that input (within biblical orthodoxy) then the greater the quality of how they communicate the truth in love to individuals and groups. I do not need to personally teach what I know to each person I serve. For that is limited to just me, my time, my talents, my strength, my wisdom and my contact with them. Plus it would be limited by their willingness to hear what I say or do what I recommend. But if I can be used by God to bring a large and “delicious menu” of options to them that are easily accessible and affordable (preferably free over the Internet) then I will have served God strategically as an educator. I am especially delighted when I am used by God to teach teachers, equip missionaries and inspire preachers.

Biblical Christianity is MUCH more than just knowing all the facts from the Bible, attending church services and having social relationships with fellow believers. Basic Bible study methods say we are to observe the text, interpret it then make application. There are many verses that point to the lordship of Jesus Christ. Our Lord gave the Great Commission and other verses related to missions. We are commanded by God Almighty to make disciples of all nations. We are to take His message of reconciliation to as many people as possible in the most suitable means possible. We are not to just seek converts but to make disciples. Along the way of putting feet to our faith we must get outside of our comfort zones. We must engage the culture. We must learn to trust in the Lord in new ways. And for me missions are both local and global. The Acts 1:8 mandate clearly says we need to begin at home and also take the light of Christ to the ends of the earth.

The reality is that we are in a media-saturated society. Our message of God’s truth and love needs to get to believers and unbelievers. Our continual enemies are the world, the flesh and the devil. Even those who attend church every time the doors are opened are sent thousands of other media signals during the week. There are not enough Christians that are trained and available to complete the massive God given task by just depending on personal relationships and church meetings. Better and more media are essential to fulfill the great commission. I thank God for Christian radio, TV, films, books, videos, etc. the Christian pollster, George Barna, has recently launched Barna films http://www.barnafilms.com/ Note why he did that http://tinyurl.com/46ucb .


Weaving together simple ways for the laity to become involved in the practical ministries of

The Bible is written in plain language to common people for their practical daily applications. The first disciples were fishermen. The early church members were from all walks of life. They radically changed the pagan society around them by just being doers of the word. They put feet to their faith. They loved one another in words and in deeds. Others choose to join the loving community even amidst heavy persecution. They lived in the light of eternity and had hope of a resurrection body in heaven.

Evangelism is not the special domain for the pastor or professional evangelist. All believers are ambassadors for Christ with the message of reconciliation. As I have understood church history and the local churches all over the planet through the testimonies of international students from all over the globe. It is possible and desirable for the ordinary church members to be able to share the gospel message with both those they encounter in their daily life. Plus make special efforts to go out of their way to take the light of Christ to those in the bondage of spiritual darkness in their community. Plus go on short term mission trips.

Here are some of my writings on evangelism




Genuine biblical discipleship is a complex and difficult process. God is at work deep in the human soul to make the person more like Christ. That is not natural or easy. In order for this to occur successfully over the course of a lifetime then many and various people need to interface with the one becoming a maturing disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. The best settings are one-on-one and the second best are small groups. Parents and grandparents have the most and best access to a child. Teachers and coaches can have a huge impact. God has used pastors and Sunday school teachers mightily. Discipleship costs TIME plus a willingness to both give and receive. In our hurry-up generation there are not nearly enough hours for the pastor to personally disciple more than a double handful if he makes that a high priority. The youth (and children’s) pastors can work as a team with parents to come along side to help bear the burden during these formative years. The book of Titus tells how older women need to disciple the younger ones. The men in the church need to be involved in giving and receiving mentoring.

Here are some of my writings on discipleship




Any person on any day can give of their time, money and things to help another person in the name of Jesus. Special training is not required. There is no need for great understanding of Bible doctrine and theology. The golden rule given by Jesus says to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” He also told the story about the Good Samaritan as an illustration of what it means to love your neighbor. I suggest that within five miles of any believer are plenty of people that are highly qualified to receive benevolence. I believe that it is the duty of a genuine disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ to directly assist those in need that He brings into this or her life. There is no shortage of widows, orphans, handicapped, elderly and prisoners. Plus those who are sick and injured that we are to visit. This can also be done in church groups to reach the homeless, prisoners, rest home residents, etc. The big idea is to communicate the love of God by giving generously of one’s time, things and money.


Designing ways to solve complex and interrelated problems using

Our lives are full of difficult problems that have various causes. There are an abundance of products and services that offer relief to the symptoms. But these rarely lead to lasting solutions. The love and truth of God is what people need but often do not know it. Or they associate Christianity with a dead religion of rules and rituals instead of a living relationship with God and believers.

Over the years God has allowed me to know a wide range of people. I especially have a tender place in my heart for international students. At the seminary I have also known engaged couples, newlyweds and first time parents. During these last five years I have known many people in each category. I have come to notice similarities in the challenges they face. Deep inside of my soul is a combination of a engineer, designer and information architect. I cannot personally solve all their problems or meet all their needs. But I can plan ways for information and education to help them in helping themselves.

Over and over again what I do is design systems that will deliver information and education. It is my hope and my deep conviction that eventually all these plans in my files will become woven together on a huge and growing web site. From that base the systems will serve and empower people that I will never meet in person.

It delights my heart to hear of short-term mission trips when people from the USA go overseas and work in harmony with the local churches. They know that in the remote villages the native people will come out to hear what the Americans have to say just out of curiosity. The gospel message goes forth through a translator. But after the Americans have gone back home the local church leaders have ways to follow up on these contacts. This has been done hundreds of times to plant new churches. Thus there was synergy due to cooperation and coordination.

As I observe the vast wonders of nature I am continually amazed at all that occurs every day all over the globe in nature. One of my favorite pastimes is to watch nature videos. In those I notice repeatedly how the Creator uses seasons to meet the needs of various plants and animals as they live together in an ecosystem like a meadow, lake, forest, desert, etc. Often God uses seasons to maximize impacts. Like when the salmon that are fat with fish eggs are jumping up the waterfalls that is when the bears need to gain weight before they hibernate. Various migrating waterfowl need to feed their young just as the fish population near their nesting island are at peak season. Churches use seasons in some ways like VBS during the summer, food baskets during the holidays, summer youth camps, etc. This matter of wise timing needs to be planned, prepared for and leveraged. That relates to stewardship, systems and synergies.


By facilitating better and more connections in the greater Body of Christ both locally and globally, then the Holy Sprit will do through us together what humans could never do alone.

Four Bridges Ministry gets is name from the four one-way bridges that connect the Partners, Workers and Fields. This model is useful with any size group, anywhere on the planet. The diagram on the home page www.fourbridges.org is a representation of the way the relationships occur anyway. The value of this diagram is to use it to better pray, plan, prepare, solve problems etc.

I have always been amazed at how little cooperation there is in the Body of Christ locally and globally. As I read the Bible what I see is a divinely inspired standard: one God, single Great Commission, dozens of commandments given by the Lord Jesus Christ that would bring us together, a shared Holy Spirit and the common enemies of the world-flesh-devil.

Part of my mind can understand the slight differences between denominational traditions, musical styles, and psychological factors.

During my lifetime I have watched the liberals and those in the business world who had been competitors find ways to cooperate for temporal purposes. If we would just embrace obedience to the scriptures and live in the light of eternity then there will be much more cooperation in the Body of Christ.

I fully expect that the younger people and future generations will find cooperation to be easier and natural. I believe that the concept of the four bridges and other universal diagrams that I will share over the web will give those who have ears to hear a basis for genuine cooperation.

The cooperation that I seek is not about me as a person or about the ministry that I lead. It is about God using the communication systems to form connections so that His people will do His will His way and in His timing. This can be done anywhere and any time with or without me.

You never care about the personality of the person that built the bridge over the river, canyon or highway that you use. The only question relates to practical functionality. Has it worked and will it work, yes or no?

In terms of cooperation I seek to facilitate by means of providing effective communication systems. My name, face and personality can be invisible to those who use the four bridges.

The Bible says that as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we have been adopted into the family of God. The Bible says that due to the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross that was evidenced in his bodily resurrection we have been forever reconciled to God. The dividing wall of separation is removed. The universal Body of Christ is not limited by denomination, race, gender, geography, age, nationality or any other factor. There have been many reports of those who visit believers in other countries and immediately feel a deep spiritual connection. That is real. The same has happened when people from around the same country gather at a large conference. This can be experienced at a concert or other Christian gathering.

The Bible teaches that we are members of one another like parts of the human body. We have need of each other just like you need your hands, feet, ears, eyes, etc.

There is a serious longing for community among believers. This has always been present in my thirty years among Christians. But is seems to be increasing with each passing year. Studies show that Americans move an average of every five years. Divorce and remarriage are normal. So is it any wonder that people long to connect with a community?

I want community myself and I want to pass it along to others. Community is needed to give and receive agape love in words and deeds over the course of many years. Therefore healthy connections will be needed to create and nurture genuine community. These connections will occur in cyberspace as well as physical space.

As I read the Bible and examine the life of Christ the term compassion comes to mind repeatedly. God cares about a person’s intentions as well as actions. I have a conviction that there is a vast reservoir of compassion waiting inside the hearts of Christians that longs to be expressed. I refuse to use guilt, greed, fear, pride, competition, insecurity, self righteousness, shame, anxiety or other factors to motivate people to participate with me in Four Bridges.

I know that just as millions reached out after the tsunami of December 2004 that same compassion resides in the heart of people all the time. It genuinely wants to be expressed locally and globally without needing a massive crisis to get it going.

The truth and love of God will flow over the four bridges. There are spiritual gifts, natural talents and the languages of love that will take on a wide range of forms. This will happen easily and rapidly in amazing ways because compassion of many ordinary people will be allowed to flow.


Providing the biblical teachings that God has revealed to me especially in the areas of
leadership development

When I was a teen I asked many church members to prove the existence of God to me. We engaged in many lively conversations about matters that I now know relate to the field of apologetics. During those years I can recognize that most of the people I knew were liberals. They were not born again nor did they have any understanding of the Bible. Now decades later I know dozens of evangelicals but I feel deeply disappointed that they are nearly clueless about even the basics of apologetics like the existence of God, reliability of scripture, arguments for the resurrection, etc. I feel sad when most church members I know have nearly zero empathy for the growing number of agnostics or atheists in our midst. Yet in our post modern age the need for this knowledge and skill to present apologetics effectively increases annually. God has given me many and various lessons that I will gladly share in due season.

I came to faith in Christ at 23 years old. It was many years later before I finally gained a foundation of the basics of the faith. During these three decades in Christ I have heard of very few basics classes offered in the local church. In the Christian bookstore, on the Christian radio and TV and even the seminary we seem to tragically neglect the foundational doctrines of the faith. When asked what the fundamentals of the faith are few have been able to answer me in the church or the seminary. After library research I found this as the long list: authority of scripture, trinity, deity of Christ, virgin birth, blood atonement, bodily resurrection, justification by faith, second coming,

During the reformation the leaders needed to state what they stood for in a simple way. I have found this sentence to be very useful. In my mind and notes I refer to it as SOLAs because the word for alone in Latin is sola.

Eternal salvation is
by grace alone,
through faith alone,
in Christ alone,
based on the Scriptures alone,
to the glory of God alone

Cambridge Declaration is a wonderful commentary on this sentence http://tinyurl.com/3khe9

The basics are vitally important to me. And here is my one page overview of the subject. http://tinyurl.com/5a97x

Leadership development
All over the globe the number of Christians are growing as a percentage of the population except in North America. In the developing countries they understand that it is important to not only lead someone to Christ and guide them in growing spiritually but then move them into meaningful leadership. After discovering and developing spiritual gifts they need to help others find their niche in the Body of Christ. The Servant Leader is the key player as shown on the diagram of the home page of Four Bridges Ministry www.fourbridges.org The person seeks to bring together the partner, worker and fields by building and improving the four bridges in any setting. I have various teaching related to each of the four bridges.


Guiding believers to consistently improve the stewardship of all parts of their life as unto the Lord Jesus Christ.
treasures (things and money)

If the Bible is true then we will continue to live after our physical body dies. We tend to neglect the fact that believers will be justly judged and generously rewarded for the good works that they do in the name of Jesus to further the kingdom of God. Yet in order to find the time or energy to do good works (like serving at the local church, going on a short term mission trip, giving generously to a ministry or leading a backyard Bible club) then that needs to be a high priority. There are always more than enough ways to use up the week and the funds. There are no shortage of possibilities at the mall, online, on TV, with friends, sports, etc.

In my opinion the single most critical teaching that is missing from the Body of Christ today is to bring home to them that as believers in the USA we have been bountifully blessed by God when contrasted with most of the rest of the population on the earth. The Bible says that to whom much is given much is required. The Bible teaches that we are stewards of the blessing He gives us. We do not deserve to have 10 to 100 times as much income as those in rural Africa, urban India or the poor sections of our home town. Often I feel bad when I go to the huge super stores and grocery stores that have so much yet there are many today that have so little. I am not advocating the redistribution of wealth. I am not pro-communism nor anti-wealth. But in order for Americans to get out of the endless cycles of selfish consumption they need to gain an eternal perspective. They need to make the choices about the short term and long term uses of their life to get ready to give an account to a holy God after they leave this planet.

At one time I invested many hundred hours preparing a ministry just around this theme. You can go to this web site to get just a rough sketch of what is in my mind and heart about the subject

In the many years to come no matter what it says on my business card, what I will be doing ultimately is leading believers into understandings, insights, perspectives, commitments, habits, etc. that consistently improve the stewardship of their time talent and treasure. All the other passions will be present but this will be under them and link them together.

The most valuable resource that a human has is time. In order for any of the many items mentioned on this list of passions and my various websites plus blogs the use of time is needed. Generally Americans are far too busy chasing goals that are temporal. They tend to neglect the spiritual and relational. My friendships with international students has repeatedly demonstrated to me that it is possible to have a better balance.

The pace of our society continues to increase. In our unconscious rat race of keeping up with the Joneses we neglect the priorities that we already know would be better for our health, relationships and fellowship with Jesus Christ. It will not be easy, but somehow I hope to be used by God to guide the next generation into more healthy balance in the use of time. This includes factoring in the long term into the context of the short-term commitments.

God has graciously granted special talents and spiritual gifts to every believer. These are to be discovered and developed. That involves exploring and experimenting. Great joy occurs when a person is using their God-given talents. And those around them are very blessed. A very critical part of the ministry will be oriented to help people in cyberspace find their talents become a better steward of them. The Incubator is an expression of the ministry for the seminary students and graduates. See more on this here http://tinyurl.com/dflye and here http://tinyurl.com/7gmjw

Treasures (things and money)
God Almighty puts things into our hands to be a manager of them as unto Him.

Money is neutral all by itself. It has no will of it’s own. It becomes a reflection of the values, priorities, lusts, insecurities, passions, desires, thoughts, and feelings of the one who has the money. The wise use of money from a Christian perspective is being taught well by Crown Ministries www.crown.org and others.

The wise giving of money from a Christian perspective is being taught well by Generous Giving http://www.generousgiving.org/

I will gladly point to them and others to provide the teachings. Plus my passion is that we apply what we know is right in the uses of funds. I want others to wake up and use money as unto Jesus instead of self.


Leaving a lasting legacy of

I am well aware that I am mortal. There will be a day that is my last day. That day could be today or many decades away. I am ready to meet my Maker at any moment by rapture or auto accident. Yet I recognize that my father and grandfathers made it into their 80s. Therefore it would be wise for me to anticipate living that long.

In one million years from now I want my life to have counted for eternity. I do not want to have wasted my time, talent and treasures on things that were temporal.

During this season most of my life is focused on serving seminarians. I am doing my best to create a communication system that will allow them to grow a support base of intercessors, advisors and donors. This is my way to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by working with the Holy Spirit to raise up the next generation of leaders in the Body of Christ. After Four Brides is working well at this seminary then the communication systems will be adapted to other settings like other seminaries, Bible colleges, mission agencies, denominations, parachurch organization and local churches. Thus many more leaders will be my gift to the Body of Christ and the Lord Jesus Christ.

God has granted me many unique teachings. Most of these are born out of my painful experiences or insights due to my complex background. I am accountable before the living God to provide these primarily to the household of faith and unbelievers too. I already have many dozen essays on the web sites and blogs. There are more in my files and mind that long to be shared. These teachings will be offered amidst the teachings of the seminary students and graduates. I wish to be one voice among others. I seek to make all these teachings available at no cost or low cost. When this is a part of an online lay institute with various incomes streams then that is possible.

Here are samples of those teachings

From the early 1980s to the present God has used libraries as the vehicle to teach, equip and nurture me. These are my alma mater far more than the institutions I attended briefly. I have spent the majority of my waking hours in a public or collegiate library when not at a job. In those locations I found a quiet place to study, access to materials there and to take home. Along my pilgrim’s path I have encountered very few church libraries. Yet I found those to be a wonderful way to access books, tapes, videos and magazines that I would not otherwise be able to afford.

I am in no hurry to develop this library facet of my calling. Toward the latter years of my life I will have a) plenty of enriching experiences, b) a wide range of contacts, c) an abundance of intercessor support, d) understanding of Christian education from many angles and e) plenty of generous donors ready to give. Then designing and developing libraries will be a delightful way to conclude my ministry.

My ministry is never about me as a personality. It is always about developing systems for bringing together people, resources and opportunities. The libraries will use the latest technology to make those connections in the name of Jesus for the glory of God. Amen, so be it!